How it works

1. Pick the best tier for your budget! Each tier is severely discounted to thank you for being a consistent part of my journey! I could not do this without my super pack <3 Thank you!

2. Pick your Selection (For Stamps and Pawtrait Club): You will receive an email from Team Sheila to pick out your design! You will receive 2-3 designs every month to select from. Stamps get their designs within 10 days of selection, Pawtraict Clubs will get their designs by the end of the month. If you do not select, you will get one follow up email . If we do not get a response you will be defaulted to the most popular design of the month.

3. ENJOY! Share your snail mail, enjoy your personal printing rights with your designs by making your artwork to merch or stickers, and please make sure to tag @sheilachenart if you share your artwork!! :)

All subscriptions are automatically charged the first 10 days of the month. You can change your subscription or cancel it at any time.

The Tiers

Gail the Snail just LOVES mail! She takes twelve whole days to travel an entire block to the post office, travels twelve whole days back, and then spends the time in-between making art inspired by her trail! (She really, really, really loves mail)

Included in your subscription is...
Random sticker/magnet/postcard/prints of nature inspired artwork!


Have your pet(s) illustrated in my style and choose between 2-3 background designs to stamp your pets on! You get ONE FREE edit after the first illustration is sent.

Included in your subscription is...
YOUR CHOICE of 2-3 options every month!
Access to the Stamp Album of all previous stamp designs for $10/digital at anytime
Personal Printing Rights

Have up to TWO pets custom illustrated into your choice between 2-3 designs!

Included in your pack is...
YOUR CHOICE between 2-3 designs every month!
Access to all previous designs for $30/digital at anytime (that's 40% off!)
Personal Printing Rights
You are also able to chance your pawdel every month if you'd like to gift your digital or add a buddy!

Note from the Artist

My hope for the subscription package is that it is a WIN-WIN-WIN situation! You get massive savings, you get a say in the creative journey, and I get stability-- a word that every small business and artist strives for! It's where creativity flourishes best.

So thank you from the bottom of my beating heart for supporting me and providing my tea and my family stability. I am thrilled to see how this journey continues to grow!

Furever Grateful,
